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About Us

Domanko Chiropractic and Massage was founded in 2020 to provide expanded Chiropractic care and other services to Brockville and the surrounding areas. With key focuses on Chiropractic, Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) and Pedorthic services, we also specialize in modern treatments for sports-related injuries.

Domanko Chiropractic Team Photo

Our clinic continues to adapt to the challenges of the pandemic while providing outstanding care to our patients. Since 2020, the clinic has been fully updated with a bright, clean and modern environment. We have embraced technology to improve the patient experience – including popular text & email reminders – and direct billing as a convenient alternative for those with extended health benefits.

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Stay up-to-date with all the news going on at the clinic and be the first to know about any changes in hours or updates on our services.

Michael Domanko, BSc, DC, C Ped (C)

Dr. Michael Domanko

Dr. Domanko has been practicing in Brockville for over 20 years. A graduate of the National College of Chiropractic he continues to utilize evidence-based techniques to provide the most effective care and promote independence and patient engagement in their plan of care. Spending years in the arena as a hockey dad and team trainer for both boys and girls competitive hockey teams has allowed him to utilize his knowledge of sports injuries to benefit many athletes. He enjoys the variety of patients in his general practice, from low back pain and repetitive use injuries to the weekend athlete, professional athlete or Olympian. In 2005, Dr. Domanko became a Certified Pedorthist as well, allowing him to expand his ability to provide Custom Foot Orthotics and address biomechanical faults related to the feet.

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Certified Graston Practitioner ( Link )

Kim Cuglietta, RMT

Kim Cuglietta, RMT

Kim Cuglietta graduated from Algonquin College and has been practicing massage therapy since 2001. She offers deep tissue, trigger point therapy, pre- and post- natal, sports injury, as well as relaxation massage. Kim has extensive experience in massage therapy treating a wide range of ailments from sports related injuries like strains and tendonitis to more chronic conditions like stress, headaches and general muscle tension.

Jessica Camelon

Jessica Camelon

Jessica joined the practice in 2020, and has previous experience as a Physiotherapy Assistant. In 2018 she returned to school to obtain her Medical Administration Diploma. As an athletic youth she was introduced to the benefits of Chiropractic care, and now she enjoys facilitating the treatment process for Chiropractic and Massage patients.

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